Community, Hotel Chocolat, Iceland, Jersey, Le Cocq's Stores, Marks & Spencer, Matalan, Guernsey, Alderney
More than £40,000 of clothing was donated to:
Brighter Futures: the charity that supports the Island’s parents, carers, children and young people.
Headway Jersey: who provide essential support, information and services to islanders affected by brain injury.
And Jersey Hospice Care: who deliver a total philosophy of care, which includes specialist palliative treatment, spiritual and emotional support for patients, family members and carers.
The donation included a mixture of ladies, children’s and men’s clothing and was very well received by the three popular local charities. A spokesman from one of the charities said: “these donations are significant and allow our charity to continue to deliver our services which are both vital and essential provision for the prosperity of our island.”
More Marks and Spencer donations will be announced in the very near future.
Careers, Checkers Xpress, Community, Iceland, Jersey, Le Cocq's Stores, Morrisons Daily, Wine Warehouse, Guernsey, Alderney
SandpiperCI sell food retail franchises to Wm Morrison Supermarkets Limited
Community, Crew Clothing, Hotel Chocolat, Iceland, Jersey, Marks & Spencer, Guernsey, Alderney