Monthly charity round-up August 2022

August has been a rewarding month for us, with lots going on from supporting local events, shows and more. Below is our round-up of charity donations for the last month.

Tags: Community, Guernsey, Jersey, Marks & Spencer

Jersey Rescue Dogs

We were pleased to be able to support the Jersey Rescue Dogs with three of their summer events by donating a selection of soft drinks and chocolate bars. These were used as prizes for their spin-the-wheel family fun game.

St Lawrence Charity Horse Show

We were happy to support this event by donating a case of wine as a raffle prize. Running from 5th - 7th August, this fantastic show was filled with fun and friendly competition and was a great way to raise money for local charities.

Guernsey Street Festival

The Guernsey Street festival took place from 24th July until 7th August, in St Peter Port to celebrate all forms of street performance including; music, art, theatre, dance, food and crafts. We were more pleased to be able to support this superb event by contacting a case of Hardy's V.R. Shiraz wine for the tombola.

Guide Dogs - Jersey

Hannah Phillips is running the 2022 London Marathon and taking part in white collar boxing to raise funds for Guide Dogs - Jersey. She completed the first part of this challenge by winning her fight in boxing on Saturday 6th August. We were happy to support her efforts on the night by donating a hamper from Marks & Spencer for the raffle. We would like to wish Hannah all the best for the London Marathon on 2nd October 2022.

Ollivro Family & Friends Battle Float

We were happy to support the Ollivro family raise funds for this year's Battle of Flowers by donating two Morrisons toys as raffle prizes. They are a small family and friends team who enter the junior and senior floats every year.