Community, Hotel Chocolat, Iceland, Jersey, Le Cocq's Stores, Marks & Spencer, Matalan, Guernsey, Alderney
Andrew has chosen to take on this challenge after his wife, Claire, was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, PKD several years ago.
Fortunately, Andrew was an eligible donor, and the operation was a success. After going through the procedure and witnessing first-hand how many others are on the waiting list and are not as fortunate, he decided to do something that supports the care of those living with chronic diseases.
Jersey Hospice has been caring for and supporting patients with life-limiting illnesses since 2014. This, along with his passion for cycling, makes Jersey Hospice “Tour de Jersey” the ideal challenge for Andrew.
We’re proud to say Andrew raised a fantastic £854 for Jersey Hospice with the help of our amazing team members and you, our wonderful customers, who donated in selected Jersey Morrisons and Iceland stores.
Careers, Checkers Xpress, Community, Iceland, Jersey, Le Cocq's Stores, Morrisons Daily, Wine Warehouse, Guernsey, Alderney
SandpiperCI sell food retail franchises to Wm Morrison Supermarkets Limited
Community, Crew Clothing, Hotel Chocolat, Iceland, Jersey, Marks & Spencer, Guernsey, Alderney